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 >Aparatos Auditivos
Free Hearing Test
The first step in determining your hearing loss, is to take a hearing test. Hearing tests usually consist of a quick survey that will be used to program your hearing aid and to help in the decision when choosing the best hearing instrument for you.

After the hearing test survey is taken you will then be directed to the audible part of the hearing test process. This part of the hearing test process is where pure tones will be played for you in in different tones and volumes. Each ear will be tested separately to determine the specific hearing loss for each ear.

The results of your haring test will be displayed in a chart that is commonly called an audiogram. The audiogram is the graph that has 0's and X's connected with read and blue lines. On your audiogram the 0's represent the hearing levels for the right ear and the X's are for the left ear. If your audiogram has marks that are near the top of the chart, then you have better hearing at these frequencies, and if you have marks further down the graph then you have trouble hearing at these levels. From left to right the frequencies get higher from megahertz for hertz.

Information on Reading Your Audiogram
Along the side the graph a series of decibel (dB) numbers indicate loudness. Very soft sounds are at the top (-10 or 0 dB) and loud sounds (110 db) are located at the bottom. Zero dB does not mean that there is no sound. This level is merely the softest sound a person with normal hearing ability can perceive 50% of the time. A normal conversation usually occurs at about 45 dB on the decibel scale.

Looking at your audiogram you can tell which ear you hear better in, as well as how mild or severe your hearing loss is. You can also determine the frequencies at which you hear best and worst. The word tests will indicate test reliability and/or where in the hearing system you may have problems.